Musicians: Bobby Crowe and his Scottish Dance Band
The book that this CD accompanies has been consolidated in the RSCDS release of Books 13-18, available from TACBooks here: RSCDS Books 13-18
Fidget (8x32R)
The Birks of Invermay (8x32S)
The Duke of Atholl's Reel (8x32J)
Lady Harriet Hope's Reel (8x32R)
The Caledonian Rant (8x32S)
Todlen Hame (8x32J)
Struan Robertson's Reel (8x40R)
Ca' the Ewes tae the Knowes (8x32S)
The Golden Pheasant (8x40J)
Mr. Wilson's Hornpipe (8x32R)
Lord Hume's Reel (8x40S)
Woo'd and Married and A' (8x32J)