Musicians: Alastair Hunter and the Lorne Scottish Dance Band
Alastair Hunter (accordion)
Hebbie Gray (fiddle)
Eileen Hunter (piano)
Alasdair Cameron (bass)
Jack Stephen (drums)
The CD accompanies RSCDS Book 25, which TACBooks has here on its own: RSCDS Book 25, or with Books 25 - 30: RSCDS Books 25 - 27
The Fete (8x32S)
The Chapman (8x32R)
The Bramble Bush(8x32J)
Deacon of the Weavers(8x32S)
Miss Brown's Reel(8x32R)
Haste to the Wedding (8x32J)
Miss Isabella McLeod (8x32S)
The Lady of the Lake (or The Water Kelpie) (8x32R)
Saw Ye My Wee Thing (8x32J)
Three Bonnie Maidens (or The Graces) (8x32S)
Miss Dumbreck (8x32R)
The Braes of Mellinish (8x32S)