Musicians: Iain MacPhail and his Scottish Dance Band
Iain MacPhail (accordion)
Brian Griffin (accordion)
Isobelle Hodgson (keyboard)
Judith Smith (fiddle)
George Darling (drums)
Alec Hodgson (vocal)
Iain's band was invited to play at the Saitama Branch's 10th Anniversary Ball in 2010. Unfortunately, the visit had to be cancelled due to the dreadful effects of the tsunami which devastated Japan. However, the Saitama Branch produced their book of dances to celebrate their 10th Anniversary and Iain arranged the tunes (some Japanese, some his own, some traditional) and produced this CD. He included a Grand March and Auld Lang Syne so that Saitama Branch can have their Ball without a Band!! The book of the dances for the Branch's 10th Anniversary is available from TACBooks by going here: Saitama 10th
Grand March
The Braiding Reel 8x32R
Yaezakura Strathspey 4x32S
On The Toe 4x32J
On The Toe (repeat) 4x32J
The Matsuri Strathspey 4x32S
The Rainbow of Saitama 8x3J
Subarashii Saitama Strathspey 4x32S
Subarashii Saitama Strathspey (repeat) 4x32S
Seniors Be Full Power 3x32J
Seniors Be Full Power (repeat) 3x32J
Happy Smile 8x32R
Circle Waltz and Auld Lang Syne