Welcome to our Website
Welcome to TACSound's website.
If this is your first time on this site, but you had used our previous site (prior to May of 2023), your username is unchanged; it is still the email address you used when you first registered. However, as this is a new site, your password did not get moved to the new site for security reasons.
Please use the "Forgotten Your Password" function to get the link to set up your new password.
Should you encounter any issues or errors, please let us know, either by sending us a note at mwtacsound@comcast.net or using the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page.
Notice to TACSound Shoppers: Thank you all for making Summer School such a great event. The TACSound managers will be taking a break from August 12th to September 5th, and no orders will be processed in this time period. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will be monitoring the website, so please place your orders or ask us questions, we will respond to questions as time zones allow, and orders will be processed promptly when we are back and have our inventory from Summer School.